Southland paua cob loaf



50g minced pāua
10g red onion, finely diced
5g garlic shoots, sliced, or garlic clove
20g butter
20g cream cheese
200ml full cream
¼ tsp lemon juice
1 large burger bun/knot/roll
Pinch of brown sugar, sea salt, cracked pepper


Cut top off bread bun. Hollow out the loaf, leaving 1cm of bread inside to encase filling. Melt butter in a pan on medium heat, add onions and garlic and slowly caramelize. Add pāua, cream cheese, cream, lemon juice, brown sugar and seasonings. Reduce on medium heat until thick and creamy. Adjust seasoning to taste. Place bread lid on top and bake in a pre-heated for 5-10 minutes until crunchy on the outside. Serve with salad, lemon or a soft cheese such as crème fraiche or mascarpone.

Recipe kindly supplied by

Will Pinkney
Oyster Cove
8 Ward Street, Bluff
(03) 212 8855


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