Patatas bravas and spanish chicken

With Pomodoro Sauce


Patatas bravas

4 large agria potatoes
Salt and pepper
1 tsp cumin, turmeric and paprika, mixed together

Cut the potatoes into 1-inch cubes. Bring a pot of salted water to the boil, then carefully as the diced potato. Boil for 5 minutes. Strain off potatoes, place on a tray and season with salt. Place in a freezer until cold, then set aside in fridge until needed. Before serving, heat a pan with olive oil and shallow fry potatoes in batches, colouring all sides. Place cooked potatoes in a roasting dish and season with spice mix and salt.

Spanish chicken with Pomodoro sauce

2 punnets cherry tomatoes
400g tin chopped tomatoes
400g passata sauce
2 red onions, diced
2 tbsp garlic, minced
50g thyme, finely sliced
50g rosemary, finely sliced
200g green olives, deseeded
1L chicken stock
4 chicken breasts
50g parsley, finely sliced

Sweat off one of the onions and garlic together in a large pot. Once soft, add herbs and cook for one minute. Add cherry tomatoes and cook for a further 2 minutes on low heat. Add passata sauce and tinned tomatoes and cook on a low heat for 1-2 hours. Once cooked, blitz with a stick blender until smooth. In a separate pot, sweat of remaining onion. Once soft, add olives and chicken stock and pour into Pomodoro sauce. Sear off chicken breasts in a hot pan, place in a deep roasting dish and cover with the Pomodoro sauce. Cover with tin foil and place in oven at 180°C for 30-45 minutes until chicken is cooked. Remove chicken from sauce, place sauce in a pot and reduce.


Place seasoned potatoes onto plates, followed by chicken and reduced sauce. Garnish with parsley and serve.

Recipe kindly supplied by

Chef Kodi Francis
The Auction House
20 Don Street, Invercargill
(03) 214 1914


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