The power of storytelling in regional success - celebrating our heroes and food
The team at Naked Creative are set to release a special edition of The Life magazine later this month, celebrating the vibrancy and people of the south.
This issue showcases the outstanding achievements of our region – the heroes, innovative endeavours and businesses who are making this corner of the world truly remarkable.
The Life Editor Carla Forbes said working on Issue 11 of The Life has been an absolute joy.
“The people in the south make our job easy. The magazine is a testament to their remarkable stories, exceptional individuals who have not only found their passion but are working diligently for their chosen causes,” she said.
The champions for causes emerged as a key theme this year, highlighting the positive impact these unsung heroes have on the community. But the magazine also celebrates Southland’s role as New Zealand’s food basket, offering readers a delectable food storytelling experience that is certain to tantalise taste buds.
"We hope this edition inspires, educates, and highlights the remarkable achievements within our Southland community. It's a testament to the unwavering spirit and passion that defines this region,” Forbes said.
The Life Issue 11 continues with the sleek new look it launched last year for the ten-year anniversary edition. It matches the new mood of the popular growing publication.
Forbes says in an era where we are competing with other regions for workforce and talent, The Life is a valuable tool to showcase the region and its people.
“For a relatively small population and compared with other regions, we really do punch above our weight,” she said.
The Life magazine's new edition will be on the shelves in selected bookstores from October 30. Or you can jump online and pre-order a copy before this date.
Naked Creative – the team behind The Life magazine.