Poached blue cod

With pumpkin, fennel, feta and maple



2 tsp seeded mustard
2 whole garlic cloves
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp pepper
¼ cup white wine
¾ cup maple syrup
1 ¼ cups olive oil

Blitz all ingredients with a stick blender and set aside.



2 cups ½ inch cubed pumpkin
½ fennel bulb, thinly sliced
80g feta cheese
½ cup toasted pumpkin seeds

Toss pumpkin and fennel in half the vinaigrette and roast on 200ºC for 30 minutes then allow to cool.


Blue cod

3 tsp melted butter
800g blue cod

Place melted butter into a large ceramic baking dish. Lay 4 200g portions of blue cod into the buttered dish and season. Bake at 200ºC for 5 minutes until the fish is just cooked.



Place your oven poached blue cod onto your serving plate, put a small amount of roasted pumpkin and fennel on top and dress with feta and pumpkin seeds. Finish with a drizzle of vinaigrette and garnish with lemon and fresh watercress.


Recipe kindly supplied by

Chef Tony Chilton
The Rocks
Courtville Place, 101 Dee Street, Invercargill
(03) 218 7597

Photo by
Alex Crackett


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