Parmesan crusted Blue Cod

With a warm potato salad and crisp tomato salsa


Blue Cod
3 fillets fresh blue cod
¼ loaf fresh white bread
½ cup shaved parmesan cheese
Small bunch fresh coriander
Salt and pepper

Combine the bread, parmesan and coriander in the food processor, mix until a rough crumb mixture forms.
Place blue cod on a greased oven tray and coat with olive oil, salt and pepper then add herb crust.
Cook at 180oC until crust is golden brown and blue cod is cooked.

Potato Salad
3 large agria potatoes
6 slices streaky bacon
½ cup capers
2 cups baby spinach
½ red onion
Garlic aioli to dress

Cut potatoes into quarters and slightly roast until just cooked, let stand for 5 minutes and then slice into a mixing bowl.
Slice bacon and cook until crispy in oven. Press the capers into a paper towel to get the moisture out and deep fry until light and crisp.
Finely slice the red onion.
Combine all ingredients together with salt and pepper and aioli until coated.

Tomato Salsa
3 tomatoes
½ small cucumber
½ red onion
Small bunch Italian parsley
½ cup olive oil
Fresh lemon juice
Salt and pepper

Deseed and dice tomatoes and cucumber, finely dice red onion and Italian parsley.
Combine all ingredients in a bowl with the olive oil and lemon juice until slightly coated.

Place warm potato salad onto centre of plate, add some steamed greens for colour and place blue cod on top.
Sprinkle with the tomato salsa and garnish with fresh lemon wedge and herbs.

Recipe kindly supplied by
Chef Daniel Collins
Beach House Café & Bar
126 Rocks Hwy, Riverton
(03) 234 8274

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