Duck liver pâté


Red wine reduction
250ml red wine
50ml brandy
50ml port
¼ cup raw sugar
½ clove garlic
1 sprig thyme
2 black peppercorns
1 bay leaf

Place the above ingredients in a pan and simmer until reduced by at least half and a light syrup consistency is achieved.

Duck liver pâté
500g duck livers
300g clarified butter
1 egg yolk

Put the livers in a food processor and blitz until smooth, very slowly add the melted (warm but not hot) clarified butter then the reduction while still blitzing.
Add egg yolk, season with white pepper and salt and finally pass through a sieve.
Pour into loaf tins lined with two layers of clingfilm. Bake at 85-90oc for 1 hour in a water bath.
Allow to cool, refrigerate to set, then remove from the tins.
Serve or and store in airtight container.
Eat within 3 days or freeze in single serve potions and defrost as needed.

Recipe kindly supplied by
Chef Sam Brotherston
The Thomas Green
30 Medway St, Gore
(03) 208 9295

Rochelle Dillon


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