Cashew crusted lamb backstrap

With crispy potatoes, buttered spring carrots and bok choy, finished with a rich lamb jus and lemon mint yoghurt.


2 lamb backstraps
1 Tbsp dijon mustard
¼ cup toasted crushed cashews
¼ cup gluten free breadcrumbs

Combine breadcrumbs and cashew nuts in a small flat bowl and season with salt and pepper. Rub dijon mustard on both sides of the lamb and gently roll lamb in the crumb mixture. Set aside for around 1 hour to allow crumb to settle and adhere to the lamb’s surface.

Lamb jus
1 litre lamb stock
1 Tbsp sweet port
2 sprigs of thyme
2 Tbsp red currant jelly

Place all the ingredients into a small saucepan and simmer very slowly until mixture has reduced by around 90 percent or become syrupy.
Strain to remove the thyme. (This can be made ahead of time and refrigerated; before serving microwave for 20 seconds.)

Mint yoghurt
100ml greek yoghurt
1 tsp chopped mint
½ tsp lemon zest, grated finely

Mix together yoghurt, mint and lemon zest. Place into the fridge for at least 30 minutes to allow flavours to infuse.
Can be made ahead of time and refrigerated.

2 medium sized agria potatoes
2 heads bok choy
6 spring carrots
1 Tbsp garlic butter

Wash all vegetables well, roughly dice the potatoes into 1 inch sized pieces and boil until just tender, drain and pat dry well.
Place potatoes into a frying pan with a little oil and fry until golden on all sides.
Top and peel spring carrots, place into a small frying pan with enough water to just cover carrots, add garlic butter and simmer until ¾ of the water has evaporated.
Add bok choy to the pan and fry until there is no remaining water. Lightly season.


Pan-fry lamb for around 2-3 minutes per side depending on the thickness, set aside and allow the meat to rest.
Place potatoes on a warmed plate followed by bok choy and carrots in a tight bundle, cut lamb on an angle and place on top.
Garnish with mint yoghurt and a drizzle of jus.

Recipe kindly supplied by
Chef Dan Anderson
First in Windsor
72 King St, Invercargill
(03) 217 3905

Justine Paul


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